Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"All work... no blog" or "Blog posts I've thought about but failed to write"

So the job at the Firm has finally taken off in earnest and I'm generally there past 10:00 each night (if not later). There's always a lot to get done and even when there are no immediate deadlines it makes sense to get as much done as possible each day. That way when a deadline does suddenly arise out of nowhere, working till 4:00 am on Project A doesn't completely screw up Project B.

But none of this should be interpreted as a complaint - well not today at least (I made it home by 9:00). It's a good job, helps pay down the loans, and provides some relatively interesting work. Sometimes, I don't even mind the partners ripping my memos apart - it's a very cliche law firm experience.

Anyway, blogs I've thought about but failed to write include: listening to live music in Brooklyn; enjoying Thanksgiving upstate; and the watching the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting from my office window (we couldn't see the whole tree but we could make out enough of it). Depending on the hours, maybe I'll post some of them soon...


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