Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fighting Deletion

Okay, so I used to write stuff here and I rarely do anymore because a) I work a lot and b) I can't really write about my job.

But then I saw where I stood on this blog's blogroll. I'm hoping this gratuitous post prevents me from being deleted.

In other news, I went featherbowling last weekend. Which leads me to wonder how the only featherbowling lane in the U.S. is on the East Side of Detroit. I love that these random things are here, but you'd think some enterprising bar in Queens would also have a few lanes. Nevertheless, since this is apparently the place to featherbowl, those of you who visit Wabes and I can now see urban ruins and play an excellent sport.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like a very strange game. I guess you have to see it, or play it, to really understand. nice ot see that you are back to blogging

upstate mom


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